World Bank Implementation Support Mission (WBISM) led by
Senior Agricultural Economist Vinay Vutukuku and James Musinga concluded a
day’s visit to World Bank- funded projects across the county and expressed
their strong support to county’s sustainable development efforts.
Following a debrief meeting with County Project Coordinating Unit, the delegation went to Chepareria to meet with Community Driven Development Committees (CDDCs) and Cheptuyis Silc Group.
During their visit where the delegation met groups in Chepareria, Mr. Vurukutu said the visit was crucial to developing further cooperation with the county seeing the work and impacts of World Bank- funded development projects.
Through the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP), World Bank has been supporting different self-help groups like the Cheptuyis Women Group who have majored in Onion Value Chain as advocated for in Emergency Locust Response Project (ELRP) to improve their livelihood. So far, the group has received funding to the tune of 250,000/-
After visiting their Onion farm at Kachemogen, National Project Coordinating Unit (NPCU) Coordinator Esther Wambua lauded the group for their sheer hard work and proper utilization of the funding. She encouraged them to further collaborate and form Saccos for self-reliance.
The delegation also visited Kelpotany Women Group at Kanyarkwat Sub- location. This group engaged in Maize value Chain to leverage on the funding from World Bank. Mr Vinay congratulated them after witnessing a bumper harvest in their Maize farm.
The team was flanked by the outgoing CECM Dr. Evans Menach, County Director of Agriculture Mr. Philip Ting’aa and Dr. Chelimo among other county officials.
The delegation earlier on met Governor Kachapin and his deputy Komolle for a debrief of World Bank- funded projects in the county.