Trade, Industrialization, Energy, Investment and Cooperative Development

The Department of Trade, Industry, Energy, Investment and Cooperative Development comprises five sections; Trade Development, weights and Measures, Industrialization, Energy, Investment and Cooperative Development. Its mandate is outlined in the Fourth Schedule Part Two of the 2010 Constitution as Trade development and regulations which includes: -Markets infrastructure development, Trade licensing regulation, Enforcement of fair-trade practices and Development of Cooperative Societies.


County Executive Committee Member


Chief Officer

 Trade, Industrialization Energy, Investment and Cooperative Development 

The preferred commercial hub for a competitive and sustainable industrial and enterprise sector
  • To strengthen and improve service delivery.

  • To provide enabling business environment for trade and investments within the County

  • To promote resource mobilization and savings to support investments to improve the livelihoods of the county residents
  • .
    The department is made up of trade development, industrial development, weights and measures and energy infrastructure.
    To facilitate access to markets through development and promotion of commerce, creation of an enabling environment for a vibrant, globally competitive, sustainable and innovative commercial and industrial enterprises.

    Stakeholder engagement
    Customer centric
    Diversity and inclusion

    Weight and Measures 
    The Department seeks to achieve the following strategic objectives:

    Trade Section
    ‌• General Trade development in the County in line with national Trade policy 
    ‌• General Promotion and Coordination of the development of MSMEs engaged in Trade. 
    ‌• Management of Credit Finance for MSMEs 
    ‌• Promotion of wholesale and retail trade. 
    ‌• Promotion of exports in the County 
    ‌• Promotion of Inter, Intra-county and Cross Border trade. 
    ‌• Undertake Business Training and Counseling 
    ‌• Provision of Business Consultancy Services 
    ‌• Trade Regulation and Licensing 
    ‌• Provision of market infrastructure 
    ‌• Management of County Markets and Hawking activities.

    ‌Weight & Measures Section 
    ‌• Ensure use of approved Weights and Measuring equipment in Trading. 
    ‌• Undertake consumer protection. 

    ‌Industrial Section. 
    ‌• Advocacy for creation of conducive Industrial Environment 
    ‌• Undertake profiling of industrial investments in the County. 
    ‌• Collaborate with other agencies in the Development of County Industrial Investment Plans. 

    ‌Energy Section 
    ‌• Working with Rural Electrification Authority (REA) to connect electricity to rural areas. 
    ‌• Working with Kenya Power and KETRACO to boost power coverage in the county. 
    ‌• Partnering with prospective energy investors within and outside the County.
    The department has experienced achievements in the past as follows;

    ‌West Pokot County Economic Sacco (WEPESA)
    ‌The county government in 2018 launched WEPESA to help the business community of West Pokot to save, borrow loans and be able to improve their livelihoods. 
    ‌The Sacco currentls has more than 5,000 members and a 60 million fund. Over the past one year, co-operatives were loaned a total of Kshs 41,500,000.00 from the County Co-operative Development Fund, among them-:
    ‌1. Kamelei FCS
    ‌2. Kaptabuk FCS
    ‌3. WEPESA
    ‌4. Muruny FCS

    ‌Mango and Milk Processing plant
    ‌The county government launched Mango Processing plant in Lomut ward and Milk processing plant in Lelan ward, both of which amount to more than 200 million.
    ‌The two projects which are currently underway, will see thousands of county residents benefit directly and indirectly through creation of employment and will save farmers from exploitation.
    ‌The county produces milk and mangoes in large quantities, with a potential to produce over 50,000 litres of milk per day on average.
    ‌The construction of both plants is underway.

    ‌Revival and Registration of Cooperative Societies
    ‌The department has revived 7 dormant cooperatives and registered 12 co-operative societies among them Kakatay Goats and Sahiwal FCS and Ara Kuko Poultry Famers Cooperative Society.
    ‌Four of the cooperatives received four milk coolers from the county.
    ‌A total of eight (8) co-operative societies were audited, which are:
    1. Kodich FCS
    ‌2. Lomut FCS
    ‌3. Lelan Sacco
    ‌4. Kapsangar-Kalya FCS
    ‌5. Kamelei Farmers
    ‌6. Kamco Sacco
    ‌7. Pokot Poultry Farmers
    ‌8. Weiwei Farmers.

    ‌Weights and Measures Practises
    ‌The department has trained and promoted fair trade practices to 5,500 traders and consumers across the county, more than 4,000 traders with approved weights and measures equipment. 
    ‌The department visited 9 project sites with Quantity Surveyor to ascertain their bill of quantities.
    ‌a) Construction of pit Latrine at Bendera Market
    ‌b) Construction of boda boda shed at Keringet centre
    ‌c) Construction of boda boda shed at Chepaiwat Masol ward
    ‌d) Construction of boda boda shed at Takaiwa Masol Ward
    ‌e) Construction of boda boda shed at Murian Batei Ward
    ‌f) Construction of boda boda shed atKapsait –Lelan Ward
    ‌g) Construction of boda boda shed at Kaptabuk- Lelan Ward
    ‌h) Construction of boda boda shed at Katikomor Market Riwo Ward
    ‌i) Construction of Market Shed at Serewo Market Riwo Ward
    1). Establish Mango Processing Plant- Located in Lomut ward, the project’s construction is nearing completion and it will benefit farmers through value addition and income generation. 
    ‌2). Establish Milk processing plant- Located in Lelan ward, construction work is currently underway. Farmers are expected to benefit through value addition as well as earn an income. 
    ‌3). Honey Processing plant- The project which is complete, has seen farmers in Kodich Konyao Alale Masol and Chepkopegh benefit with increased income.