Education and Technical Training


County Executive Committee Member


Chief Officer 

Education and  Early Childhood Development


Chief Officer 

Vocational and Technical Training



The sector is comprised of three sub-sectors: Early childhood Development Education, Vocational Education and training, and Administration. The mandate for the department is to provide, promote, and coordinate pre-primary education and vocational training while embracing technology to build individuals into competent and responsible citizens.

Mission-To provide, promote, coordinate pre-primary education and vocational training while embracing technology to mold individuals into competent and responsible citizen

Vision-Literate and skilled population for county socio- economic and political development


Quick Stats

There is a lot of improvements in the Education and Training sector in the county.

Pupils enrolment increased from 54,000 to 68,655 over one year period.

More than 150 labour based ECDE classes have been constructed across the county

78 pit latrines have also been constructed while 998 ECDE centres have benefited with instruction materials.

  • I. County Bursary Kitty

The department allocates an annual 400 million bursary kitty towards needy and vulnerable students from the county. More than 100,000 students in universities, colleges, vocational training institutions and secondary schools have benefited form the kitty.

II. ECDE Infrastructure Development

More than 150 labour based ECDE classes have been constructed across the county to improve enrolment rates. 78 pit latrines have also been constructed while 998 ECDE centres have benefited with instruction materials. To fully support the program, 839 ECDE teachers have been recruited.

Pupils enrolment increased from 54,000 to 68,655 over one year period.

III. School feeding programme

The department introduced school feeding programme for ECDE going kids. The fortified porridge is filled with essential minerals for kids’ development.

IV. Adult education

To improve literacy rates in the county, the governor with the department of education introduced adult education. The programme has seen an uptake rate of 66% with mora than 40,000 adults enrolling for the programme.

V. VTCs Infrastructure Development

6 new model vocational training centres have been constructed while 9 have been rehabilitated. 15 of the VCTs have been supplied with modern training, tools, and equipment.

On bursary fund, 840 vocational training students have benefitted. Furthermore, 550 of them accessed ICT training while three graduates underwent graduates’ incubation program and start-up kits.

d. Bursaries- Ensure all students get an equal at education

Department’s Flagship Projects
