Peace Initiative in Sekerr Ward Aims to Bridge Divides Between Pokot and Turkana Communities

The Department of Special Programs, alongside representatives from Turkana County, convened a peace meeting in Orwa, Sekerr Ward.

Chief Officer David Chepelion (Special Programs) led the meeting, which focused on fostering peace along the tense border areas between the two counties. Chepelion emphasized the crucial need for peace and unity between the Pokot and Turkana communities to achieve lasting stability and development.

The meeting aimed to bridge long-standing divides and promote harmony and cooperation. Attendees included Director for Peace Jackson Alukusia, Interpeace Coordinator Mr. Hassan, Chief Sarah from Kainuk, and community members.

Following the meeting, the Special Programs Department, represented by Director for Peace Rev. Jackson Alukusia, hosted a peace tournament featuring teams from Sekerr, Weiwei, Lomut, and Masol wards.

The tournament was funded by SOMIRENEC and the Ustahimilivu Project, with support from the European Union.