Governor Simon Kachapin Issues Directive to Expedite Project Implementation

Kapenguria- In an executive meeting attended by top government officials including County Executive Committee Members (CECs), Chief Officers, CEOs, Managers, Heads of Departments, and Governor's Advisors, Governor Simon Kachapin issued a directive aimed at accelerating project implementation and addressing human resource issues in West Pokot County.

During the meeting, which focused on crucial matters such as budget allocation, project implementation, and human resource management, Governor Kachapin emphasized the need for proper budget planning and timely project execution. With a projected budget of Kes. 6.6 billion for the FY 2024/2025, the governor stressed the importance of aligning projects with allocated funds from the onset of each fiscal year to avoid delays and maximize resource utilization.

"We have had little money to implement projects, and we have been caught up by time," remarked Governor Kachapin. "Time is not always enough to dilly dally. We need to utilize the money we have within the time we have."

Governor Kachapin highlighted the need to prioritize the efficient utilization of resources, avoid wastage, and refrain from personal gain.

He further expressed dissatisfaction with the continued existence of incomplete or non-operational projects cutting across various sectors, stating the need for full implementation of all programs.

To ensure accountability and progress, Governor Kachapin issued a directive for all departments to provide a roadmap of incomplete projects by the end of the following week, warning against any excuses for non-compliance.

“I will not allow any excuses. We must implement all projects and move to new development plans," stated the governor firmly.

Addressing human resource challenges, particularly the issue of casual workers, Governor Kachapin emphasized the need to streamline staffing and reduce the high wage bill. He urged departments to devise solutions to optimize human resource productivity.

He further warned of disciplinary action against county government staff engaging in politics instead of focusing on government service, urging for cooperation and efficiency in achieving the county's development objectives.

Governor Kachapin's directives underscored a commitment to accountable governance, effective resource management, and timely project delivery, signaling a renewed focus on fulfilling the promises made to the people of West Pokot County.

The Governor’s directives come at a time when the county is working to revive all projects, with the governor envisioning completion of all pending projects by the end of this term.

Also present were Deputy Governor Robert Komolle, County Secretary Jonathan Siwanyang among many others.