Deputy Governor Komolle Receives Ustahimilivu Consortium Ahead of Project Close-Out

Deputy Governor Robert Komolle has received a delegation from the Ustahimilivu Consortium, led by Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) CEO Tom Lalampaa, for a courtesy call ahead of the close-out meeting for the Ustahimilivu Project, which has been operational for four and a half years in West Pokot.

The Ustahimilivu Project, which has been implemented in West Pokot, Baringo, Isiolo, and Tana-River counties, has focused on improving resilience of communities in arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) against drought and other climate change impacts. The project's objectives also include promoting climate-resilient economic development, enhancing stability and peace, preventing conflict, and ensuring security in these fragile regions.

Deputy Governor Komolle expressed optimism about the ongoing collaboration, stating, "We are hopeful that we can continue with this partnership."

This sentiment was echoed by NRT CEO Tom Lalampaa, who emphasized the importance of political support: "Political goodwill is really important. It goes a long way. And we are glad that we have experienced good partnership here."

Rebecca Kochulem, Project Manager for NRT West and CEC Lucky Litole (Gender), underlined the collaborative effort that has been vital to the project's success. Among the notable achievements of the Ustahimilivu Project is the protection and conservation of the pangolin, a species indigenous to the county.

The consortium behind the Ustahimilivu Project comprises several partners, including the E4Impact Foundation, European Committee for Training and Agriculture (CEFA), Social Ministry Research Network (SOMIRENEC), AMREF Health Africa, and the West Pokot County Government, with the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) providing oversight.