County Officials Inspect Key Development Projects in Sigor Constituency

Chief Officers Leonard Kamsait (water) and Ruben Lotunale (roads) conducted an inspection tour of several key projects in Sigor Constituency, focusing on Weiwei and Lomut Wards.

The tour included a visit to the climate change resilience project at Runo pasture farm, which aims to help local residents adapt to environmental changes. They also assessed the Chesta College TTC dormitory, a county-funded initiative designed to improve student accommodation.

Additionally, the officials reviewed the Toghomo water project, currently 70% complete, which is expected to significantly enhance water access for the community upon completion.

Governor Simon Kachapin reiterated his administration's commitment to reviving and completing all projects stalled during the previous regime. This renewed focus on project completion and community development highlights the county's dedication to improving infrastructure and living conditions for its residents.