County Leaders Conduct Comprehensive Inspection of Key Infrastructure Projects in Parua East

County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Water, Hon. William Petot, alongside Chief Officer Leonard Kamsait, conducted an inspection of the Parua East water tank construction. This significant infrastructure project aims to enhance water supply in the region. The inspection, which also included CECM for Roads and Public Works Joshua Siwanyang and Chief Officer Reuben Lotumale, was an important step in ensuring the project meets the highest standards of quality and safety.

CEC Petot emphasized the importance of timely and efficient completion of the water tank project, expected to greatly improve water access for local communities. The water and environment team were joined by the roads and public works team, highlighting a collaborative approach to infrastructure development in the county.

The CECM for Roads and Public Works Joshua Siwanyang and Chief Officer Reuben Lotumale also inspected St. Paul’s Health Centre Parua. The team evaluated the road conditions leading to the health center and the Chepokoriong sub-location, identifying critical areas needing repair and improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the current state of the infrastructure, ensuring safe and reliable access for residents and emergency services. The condition of the Parua Centre road was of particular concern due to its importance for local healthcare access.

CEC Siwanyang stressed the significance of maintaining these routes, vital links for the community. Discussions were held on plans for upgrading and maintaining these roads, emphasizing Governor Simon Kachapin administration’s commitment to enhancing local infrastructure and ensuring uninterrupted access to essential services. Accompanying the Roads and Public Works Department team were CECM for Water and Environment William Petot, Chief Officer Leonard Kamsait, and other officials.