Chief Officers Assess Vital Water Projects and Road Infrastructure in West Pokot

In its ongoing efforts to provide clean and safe water to all residents, the County Government of West Pokot has implemented numerous water projects across the region.

Chief Officers Reuben (roads and public works) and Leonard Kamsait (water and environment), along with Pokot Central Water Engineer Nelson Karongo and other county government staff, recently inspected several key water projects. Their assessment included the Annet Water Project, Kaper-Chemain-Pitpagh Water Project, and Akulo Water Project, all of which are vital for improving water accessibility and supply within the community.

Additionally, the team reviewed the status of the Sukuk-Pitpagh road, which has been affected by recent heavy rains. Ensuring the road's usability is crucial for maintaining connectivity and supporting local transportation.

Under the leadership of Governor Simon Kachapin, the county government remains dedicated to enhancing infrastructure and managing water resources in West Pokot.