A team from the Ministry of ICT and Digital Economy (MICDE) visited the Makutano Youth Empowerment Centre to evaluate its operations and the essential ICT infrastructure needed to mentor and train youths for accessing online work opportunities. The visiting team included Jackson Makewa (Director, MICDE), Sera Kirui (ICT Officer, Head Office), and Alexander Njeru (ICT Officer, Head Office). They were joined by a delegation from eMobile Technology Institute, the implementing body for the Ajira Digital Program on behalf of the Ministry of ICT. This delegation comprised John Ngeno (Programme Management Officer), Lucy Kilwake (North Rift Regional Coordinator), Siwa Stephen, and Olive Owiti, the Centre Managers of Makutano and Chepareria Centres respectively.

The visit began with a courtesy call at Youth Empowerment Centres in Makutano, and the team were embraced by the good work done at the centre, later on the team proceeded to the county headquarters, where discussions focused on the operationalization of the Makutano, Chepareria, Sigor, Masol, and Alale. Proceedings of the meeting started with John Ngeno's remarks about the Ajira online initiative. Ngeno emphasized the effective utilization of the Ajira initiative, noting that it is owned by the Ministry of ICT, National Government. He highlighted that youths trained under the program can secure jobs both locally and internationally and have the potential to create their own online platforms.

At the Chepareria Centre, 434 youths have been trained, with 26 already earning income through the program. The centre is fully operational and collaborates with the Chepareria Mercy Centre. However, challenges include incomplete fencing, network connectivity issues, and a limited number of desktops.

At the Makutano Centre, 797 youths have undergone through training, which include 420 ladies, and 377 gentlemen, with a focus on basic computer skills. Challenges here include a lack of internet connectivity, insufficient laptops and printers, and limited charging stations.

Director Jackson Makewa addressed the importance of cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence courses to be offered at the centres emphasized that the future is digital, urging youths to participate in training programs. He praised the collaboration between the West Pokot County Government and the National Government, suggesting it as a model to be emulated.

Makewa stressed the need to finalize internet connectivity in the centres and concluded by acknowledging the positive relationship between the National Government and West Pokot County Government. He was encouraged by the efforts of enrolling more youth at the empowerment centres this can as well lead to prioritization in funding by the Ministry.

The CO Special Programs at the office of the Governor David Chepelion applauded the ministry for the support given to West Pokot as the four centres already at the county, Makutano, Cheparerira, Sigor and Alale already have yielded fruit to our young youths by enabling them train and work online, this will enable our youths avoid being idle. The CO requested the Ministry of ICT and the Ajira program to factor opening more centres in West Pokot because of the fastness of the land.

This visit highlighted the commitment to enhancing the ICT infrastructure and training programs at the Youth Empowerment Centres, focusing on overcoming existing challenges to better equip the youth for digital opportunities.

County leaders present at the meeting include CO Sports, Youth and Culture Mr. Edwin Lokomol, CO Special Programs Mr. David Chepelion and ICT Director Pius Kamtia among other county government staff.