Action Against Hunger Launches Vital Projects in West Pokot with Support from SIDA and GAC

Today, Action Against Hunger convened an inception meeting for two newly funded projects supported by SIDA and Global Affairs Canada, aimed at enhancing interventions in Nutrition, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods, Gender, and Health in West Pokot County.

The first project, the Global Emergency Nutrition Emergency Response (GENREPII), is a two-year initiative focusing on increasing the utilization of malnutrition prevention and treatment services among women of reproductive age and young children in crisis-affected areas across Pokot Central, Pokot North, and Kacheliba sub-counties.

The second project, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Program Based Approach, is a one-year endeavor supporting an integrated emergency and recovery response to vulnerable communities grappling with the impacts of climate change in West Pokot County.

During the discussions, a six-month work plan was developed to guide the activities of the projects in achieving their intended agenda.

The meeting brought together representatives from key departments, including the Department of Health, Department of Agriculture, Department of Water, Gender, Social Services, and the Directorate of Children Services, alongside other stakeholders. Notable attendees included Dr. Jacob Rutto, Director of Health, Leah Chelobei, County Nutrition Coordinator, and Philip Wapopa, Director of Children Services for West Pokot.